
Mural on the bricked-up windows ( ca. 75 m²) of the Genezareth Church in Berlin-Neukölln, 2023.


Photo: Luis Limberg

Photo: Luis Limberg




Photo: Luis Limberg 



Since a few years the STARTBAHN project has been bringing a new wind to the Genezareth Church and the neighborhood. The art duo Various & Gould was entrusted with the task of designing the bricked-up church windows, in order to give the project more visibility to the outside world.

The initial idea of a wavering, upwardly striving color beam, which moves behind the window arches, as a large whole, like the light of a lantern, was fixed from the beginning. The 7 rosettes were perfectly suited as ‚peepholes‘. For this purpose, AI-generated image material was used in order not to highlight specific, individual people, but rather to depict a cross-section of the neighborhood.

The mural was inaugurated in mid-September. This was almost 120 years to the day after the foundation stone of the building was laid in 1903.

The Startbahn (runway) describes itself as a “place for artistic and spiritual experiences, as well as for social and socio-political projects. Together we promote self-organized coexistence in the neighborhood and create cultural and spiritual free spaces. Startbahn is an alternative meeting place. We belong to the Protestant Church, but we do not expect the actors to belong to the church. We expect respectful interaction with each other.”




“The church has been given a face. Not just one face, but faces.”

Pastor Hannes Langbein, inauguration speech, September 17th 2023

“The Genezareth Church is a place for diversity and plurality. People of different faiths, genders and origins are welcome here. This should also be visible in the window design.”

Pastor Moritz Kulenkampff, inauguration speech, September 17th 2023

„The installation of  ‘Strahlen’ at the Genezareth Church is a testament to the evolving role of public art in contemporary society. It bridges the free spirit of graffiti with the finesse of trained artists, creating a new paradigm in public art engagement.“

Jaime Rojo & Steven P. Harrington, Brooklyn Street Art, 2023


Many thanks to the Startbahn team for the smooth collaboration and to pastor Hannes Langbein.
More thanks go to Studio Elm, Tavar Zawacki for their spontaneous help and to RAE.
drone footage and photos: Luis Limberg

Address / Info

Herrfurthplatz 14
12049 Berlin-Neukölln

year: 2023
measurements: ca. 72 m²


Process videos on Instagram:
Video 1 / Video 2 / Video 3