
Permanent facade installation on powder coated metal, 30 m2, Brandenburg 2021







Wall Installation


For its 25th anniversary the company ENVIRAL® celebrated with the commissioning of a big artwork. With the company’s own technology and in close cooperation with the emplloyees, Various & Gould have realized a wall installation on the premises of the factory. The result is “Farbstrahlen” – their first public metal installation. The starting point was a small paper collage with elements from previous works. This artwork marks the beginning of a new series called Interval.

By slightly staggering the levels, the shadow cast within the installation changes, depending on the position of the sun. From the technical side the installation shows a wide range of possible applications and effects of powder coating. Thematically, it is about the sensual perception of color and color processing.

This work is permanently installed and freely accessible on the company premises. If you happen to be traveling in the direction of Magdeburg/Leipzig … with a small detour from the highway at the exit Niemegk (A9) you can visit the work on site!


ENVIRAL® surface refinement GmbH

Altdorfer Weg 6
14823 Niemegk
